Image Map

Required Fields

Field Name Type Description
x Number X coordinate of the new entry
y Number Y coordinate of the new entry
type Text Type to place at location

Valid Types

The type field can be one of the following values:

draw a shape at the given coordinates
add a heat point in the heat map at the given coordinates
add a cluster point in the cluster map at the given coordinates
add an icon at the given coordinates

Optional Fields

The following optional fields apply to all values of type.

Field Name Type Description
id Text identifier of current point

If id is set in the current entry and there’s already an entry with that id, the old one will be replaced with this entry.

Optional Fields for Shape Type

Field Name Type Description
shape Text Type of shape to draw

The shape field can be one of:

draw a rectangle at x,y. It requires two extra numeric fields width and height
draw a circle at x,y. It requires an extra numeric fields radius

Optional Fields for Heat Type

Field Name Type Description
weight Number How “hot” is the current point

Optional Fields for Icon Type

Field Name Type Description
path Text Path to the icon to use


Actions will ignore the type field.

clear Clear all image map’s content
clear-layer Clear one layer’s content
set-layer-visibility Toggle one layer’s visibility

Clear Layer Action

The clear-layer action requires a layer field to be set, it can contain one of the following values:

clear shape layer
clear heat layer
clear cluster layer
clear icon layer

Set Layer Visibility Action

The set-layer-visibility action requires a layer field to be set, see previous section for valid values.

It also requires a visible field to be set to true or false depending if you want to show (true) or hide (false) the layer.