.. _image-map-ol-widget: Image Map ========= Required Fields --------------- ========== ====== ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ====== ====================================== x Number X coordinate of the new entry y Number Y coordinate of the new entry type Text Type to place at location ========== ====== ====================================== Valid Types =========== The **type** field can be one of the following values: shape draw a shape at the given coordinates heat add a heat point in the heat map at the given coordinates cluster add a cluster point in the cluster map at the given coordinates icon add an icon at the given coordinates Optional Fields --------------- The following optional fields apply to all values of type. ========== ============= ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ============= ====================================== id Text identifier of current point ========== ============= ====================================== If **id** is set in the current entry and there's already an entry with that id, the old one will be replaced with this entry. Optional Fields for Shape Type ------------------------------ ========== ============= ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ============= ====================================== shape Text Type of shape to draw ========== ============= ====================================== The **shape** field can be one of: rectangle draw a rectangle at x,y. It requires two extra numeric fields **width** and **height** circle draw a circle at x,y. It requires an extra numeric fields **radius** Optional Fields for Heat Type ----------------------------- ========== ============= ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ============= ====================================== weight Number How "hot" is the current point ========== ============= ====================================== Optional Fields for Icon Type ----------------------------- ========== ============= ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ============= ====================================== path Text Path to the icon to use ========== ============= ====================================== Actions ------- Actions will ignore the **type** field. ==================== ========================================================= Action ==================== ========================================================= clear Clear all image map's content clear-layer Clear one layer's content set-layer-visibility Toggle one layer's visibility ==================== ========================================================= Clear Layer Action .................. The **clear-layer** action requires a **layer** field to be set, it can contain one of the following values: shape clear shape layer heat clear heat layer cluster clear cluster layer icon clear icon layer Set Layer Visibility Action ........................... The **set-layer-visibility** action requires a **layer** field to be set, see previous section for valid values. It also requires a **visible** field to be set to **true** or **false** depending if you want to show (**true**) or hide (**false**) the layer. .. youtube:: yCuHS52a2-M :width: 100%