.. _piramid-misc-widget: Piramid ======= Required Fields --------------- ========== ===== ======================================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ===== ======================================================== val Text Value to use according to action label Text Identifier for the new entry side Text Side to place the bar, can be "left" or "right" serie Text Identifier for the serie where the bar will be displayed ========== ===== ======================================================== Optional Fields --------------- ========== ===== ====================================== Field Name Type Description ========== ===== ====================================== color Color Background color for bar labelColor Color Color for the bar text action Text Name of the action, by default "set" ========== ===== ====================================== Actions ------- ========== ====================================================== Action Description ========== ====================================================== add Add the value in **val** to the current amount in bar set Set the value in **val** as the bar value ========== ====================================================== .. youtube:: z-1lA-xrALI :width: 100%